XI XI Mar30


After 13 years as part of our family, we made the decision to give XiXi, our pet cat, rest after she endured through months of labored discomfort which became a consuming pain. This photo of our hands caressing XiXi was taken just after the moment her existence transformed into a memory. She...

Mohammed Nabbous Mar21

Mohammed Nabbous

Citizen journalism. A term used recently, and most commonly in America, to denote those upset with the government due to taxes they think are so high. In other parts of the world, it means something else. It means speaking a government that does not belong to you. It means reporting on false...

Why Jul01


Although there has been no public statement, Councilwoman Chen-Hoerning has decided not to run for a second term. The woman who came from nowhere to win the seat held by Robert Rubilla seems to be leaving the scene with official silence. Bring issues to the forefront in a town which, to put...

March 27, 2010 Apr12

March 27, 2010

A LETTER TO THE NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND It’s amazing how what we do affects others and the things we think are unimportant, end up having the most meaning. Now, visiting New York City is a highlight for everyone and although I live in the Elizabeth area and love where I live,...

Another Brick In The Wall Apr01

Another Brick In The Wall

No matter what side you are with regard to Governor Christie’s actions to cut aid to schools and the vote on the school budget coming up later this month, it is something to see people, in this case teenagers, taking a stand and having their voice heard. There are those who state that the ‘kids’ no nothing about what they are protesting and are being manipulated but, in the end, do any of us know fully about everything about this issue? Not really. Most of us just care how we think it affects us. The same can be said for the students but the difference is they took a public stand today. To those who claim they missed a day’s education might...